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Everything You Should Know About Private GP Appointments
Everything You Should Know About Private GP Appointments

Everything You Should Know About Private GP Appointments

Many people prefer private GP appointments because of their benefits over GP appointments from the public healthcare service. The ease and convenience that a private GP appointment offers are a few things that make this service more appealing to most people.

If you are considering a private GP appointment, here are some things you should know about visiting a private GP.

Shorter waiting time

Waiting and turnaround times are shorter at private GP clinics and appointments. You can have a consultation within a few minutes after arriving at the clinic. Compared to the GP appointments from the public healthcare service, where many people are registered for a GP surgery and have to wait for about two weeks for an appointment, Private GP appointments are faster.

Busier cities and specialist surgeries tend to have longer waiting periods for an appointment in the public healthcare service. However, at a private GP practice, GP appointments are more flexible, which reduces the queues at offices. You can have phone and video consultations, and the operating hours are longer to accommodate more appointments.

More flexible

GP appointments at private practices are more flexible since Private GPs offer extended consultation and appointment times. You can book a consultation with a private GP early in the morning, evening, during lunch, and on weekends.

Appointments at private GPs also run for a longer time, and some practices operate round the clock, seven days a week. This is different from the public healthcare service that operates within a specific time, and your appointment must be within this time.

Your private GP practice may also offer out-of-service for medical emergencies. You can also consider a private GP that provides home visits when necessary. Practices that offer telephone and online consultations are also a plus.

Longer appointments

Appointments with a private GP usually have no time limit, unlike public healthcare service appointments that last only 15 minutes. You can spend up to 30 minutes with a private GP during your appointments, and booking a longer appointment time is possible if you have different health issues you want to talk about.

With more time with your GP, you are likely to speak freely and discuss your worries without being cut short because your time is up. This ensures that you get to care for all your health issues.


Private GP clinics usually have access to the best medical technology, consultants, health specialists, and diagnostic equipment. They also provide referrals that give you faster access to specialists, and the turnaround time for test results is shorter for fast and effective treatment.

You can even get the results for certain tests within a few hours. From flu vaccination to a blood test, COVID test, advice from a medical professional, or a referral, Private GP appointments promise to offer more efficient and faster services.


Private GPs usually have more time and can offer you several treatments and solutions tailored to your needs than the public healthcare service. Sometimes, public healthcare GPs have restrictions for certain treatments because they don’t have access to equipment and consultants at Private clinics.

At private GP clinics, you have more say in your treatment and how you receive them. Plus, you usually have more treatment options.

An upside of private GP appointments is that you are likely to see the same healthcare provider when you need care. This allows you to build a more personal relationship with the GP, and the GP will know your medical history and the right way to help you.


In some instances, a private GP appointment gives you access to several services, including specialist care. For example, if your health issue is a skin condition, the private GP can give you a referral on the day of your appointment and get you to see a dermatologist within a short time.

The services at private GP practices also cover well man and well-woman check-ups, support for ongoing health issues, and blood tests.

For a same day private GP appointment in Londonvisit Private Doctor London. You can also contact us on 020 7183 2792 to schedule a private GP appointment for your different health needs.