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What You Should Know About Diabetes
What You Should Know About Diabetes

What You Should Know About Diabetes

Diabetes is a prevalent chronic condition, but it is more prevalent in the western area. Two types of diabetes affect people – type 1 and 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is more common and occurs due to insulin resistance in the body.

This causes insulin to be less effective, making the body unable to store the excess sugar in the blood.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition that causes the body to develop antibodies that attack beta cells in the pancreas. The pancreatic beta cells are responsible for producing insulin, and the effect is often intense, requiring daily insulin. Diet change is also necessary to reduce the adverse effect of diabetes.

Type I diabetes usually affects younger people, while type 2 is common in older people. However, young people are also developing type 2 diabetes in recent years. This may be due to the increased carbohydrate in diets and poor nutrient supply.

Many people believe that the sugar added to tea and other beverages, cakes, chocolate bars, and cakes is solely responsible for diabetes. But, other foods, including potatoes, and carbohydrates such as grains get converted into simple sugars that accumulate in the blood.

Why is diabetes treatment necessary?

Diabetes has a huge effect on the circulatory system, and if left untreated, diabetes can cause kidney problems, blindness, and loss of limbs. Elevated sugar levels can also cause dementia. These reasons make type 1 and 2 diabetes testing important.

Type 2 diabetes is reversible with certain things like a lifestyle change. For example, exercise, relaxation, meditation, exercise, and diet changes can prevent complications from diabetes.

Besides diet, stress can also cause diabetes because stress affects insulin metabolism.

Diabetes management

Diagnosing and managing diabetes is important because this condition may affect your immune system. Opting for healthy and balanced meals can help prevent diabetes and strengthen your immune system.

The main option for diabetes management is eating right. You can reduce insulin deficiency by checking for underlying infections and autoimmunity, monitoring short and long-term sugar levels, and insulin resistance.

For people with type 1 diabetes, your doctor may test for other autoimmune issues such as thyroid and coeliac diseases. If your diabetes is complex and linked to other metabolic problems or conditions, the doctor will carry out an extensive health analysis, including checks for hormonal and thyroid issues.

If you suspect you have diabetes, consider asking yourself the following.

  • Do I feel sick?
  • Do I have type 1 or 2 diabetes?
  • Are other conditions causing my symptoms?
  • Has my condition worsened?
  • Do my symptoms reduce with a change in diet?

Ensure you reach out to Private Doctor London if you think you have diabetes. Visit here to book an appointment with a private doctor for diabetes diagnosis and treatment.